Dissolved Oxygen
P/N Mxxxxx
Toxic gases and or flammable liquids may be present in this monitoring system.
Personal protective equipment may be required when servicing this instrument.
Hazardous voltages exist on certain components internally which may persist
for a time even after the power is turned off and disconnected.
Only authorized personnel should conduct maintenance and/or servicing.
Before conducting any maintenance or servicing, consult with authorized
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
Specific Model Information
Instrument Serial Number: _______________________
Instrument Range:
Calibrated for:
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
Safety Messages
Your safety and the safety of others is very important. We have
provided many important safety messages in this manual. Please read
these messages carefully.
A safety message alerts you to potential hazards that could hurt you
or others. Each safety message is associated with a safety alert symbol.
These symbols are found in the manual and inside the instrument. The
definition of these symbols is described below:
instructions for details on the specific danger. These cautions
warn of specific procedures which if not followed could cause
bodily Injury and/or damage the instrument.
specific to heated components within the instrument. Failure
to heed the warning could result in serious burns to skin and
underlying tissue.
voltages appear within this instrument. This warning is
specific to an electrical hazard existing at or nearby the
component or procedure under discussion. Failure to heed this
warning could result in injury and/or death from
Technician Symbol: All operations marked with this symbol
are to be performed by qualified maintenance personnel only.
NOTE: Additional information and comments regarding a
specific component or procedure are highlighted in the form
of a note.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
This manual provides information designed to guide you through
the installation, calibration operation and maintenance of your new
process controller. Please read this manual and keep it available.
Occasionally, some instruments are customized for a particular
application or features and/or options added per customer requests.
Please check the front of this manual for any additional information in
the form of an Addendum which discusses specific information,
procedures, cautions and warnings that may be peculiar to your
Manuals do get lost. Additional manuals can be obtained from
TI/AI at the address given in the Appendix. Some of our manuals are
available in electronic form via the internet. Please visit our website at:
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
Table of Contents
List of Figures..............................................................................ix
List of Tables ................................................................................x
Introduction ................................................................................ 13
1.1 Overview
1.2 Main Features of the Transmitter
1.3 Optional Features
1.4 Front Panel
1.5 Internal Connections
Installation .................................................................................. 19
2.1 Unpacking the Instrument
2.2 Mounting
2.3 Electrical Connections
2.3.1 AC Power
2.3.2 Sensor Wiring
2.4 Configuring the LXT-220
2.5 Calibration
Operation .................................................................................... 23
3.1 Using the Front Panel Keys
3.1.1 Menu Selection Keys
3.1.2 Calibrate Keys
3.2 Menus
3.2.1 Contrast
3.2.2 Main Menu
3.2.3 Output Graph
3.2.4 Parameter Selection Menu Calibration Submenu
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller Setup Submenu Status Menu
47 Exit/Stay Menu
3.3 Configuring the LXT-220
3.3.1 Password Protection Changing Protection Level Changing Operational Password Changing Configuration Password
3.3.2 4-20 mA Output Assignments
3.3.3 Manual Mode Assignment
3.3.4 HART Output Assignments
3.3.5 Relay Assignments
3.3.6 Temperature Calibration
3.3.7 4-20 Trim
3.3.8 Input A/D Converter Trim
3.3.9 PID Assignments
3.4 Calibration
3.4.1 Manual Output Mode
3.4.2 Parameter Selection Menu Buffer Menu One-Point Buffer Calibration (Standardize) Two-Point Buffer Calibration (Span) Calibration Using a Grab Sample as a Standard 48 Calibration Error Detection & Electrode
Operational Guidelines
49 Back-to-Factory Calibration
Maintenance ................................................................................51
4.1 Routine Maintenance
4.1.1 Cleaning
4.1.2 Replacement of the Microprocessor:
Appendix .....................................................................................53
A.1 Specifications
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
A.4 Model Designation
Index............................................................................................ 59
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
List of Figures
Figure 1-1: LXT-220 Front Panel...................................................16
Figure 1-2: Internal Layout of the LXT-220 DO Controller .............17
Figure 2-1: Opening the Front Panel.............................................20
Figure 2-2: LXT-220 Electrical Connections..................................21
Figure 3-1: Available Menus and Submenus.................................25
Figure 3-2: Numerical Entry Using Front Panel Keys ....................32
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
List of Tables
Table 3-1: Protection Level Exceptions......................................... 33
Table 4-1: Troubleshooting........................................................... 52
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
This is a general purpose instrument designed for liquid
measurements in a non-hazardous area. It is the customer's
responsibility to ensure safety especially when hot or
flammable liquids are being analyzed since the potential of
leaks always exist.
The customer should ensure that the principles of operating
this equipment are well understood by the user. Misuse of
this product in any manner, tampering with its components,
or unauthorized substitution of any component may
adversely affect the safety of this instrument.
Since the use of this instrument is beyond the control of
Teledyne Instruments/ Analytical Instruments, referred as
TI/AI, no responsibility by TI/AI, its affiliates, and agents for
damage or injury from misuse or neglect of this equipment is
implied or assumed.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
1.1 Overview
Teledyne’s Model LXT-220 Dissolved Oxygen Controller is a
robust and versatile instrument for the measurement and process control
of dissolved oxygen in a liquid component. Highly customizable, the
Model LXT-220 comes standard with a single 4-20mA current output
but can have as many as five. The current output is field selectable and
may be expanded to any range within the transmitter’s full operating
range. It can also be programmed as reverse acting; for example, a 4-20
mA output for a range of 0 to 10 ppm can be reversed to 10 to 0 ppm.
The standard instrument accepts a single input typically from a
Teledyne SP1 or SP2 Dissolved Oxygen probe however a dual input
option is available. This optional dual input extends the functionality of
the instrument to accept conditioned input from a variety of sensors for
specific process measurements such as:
• Second Dissolved Oxygen (DO) channel
• Resistivity/conductivity
• pH
• Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP)
• Specific Ion
For process control, the microprocessor based LXT-220
Transmitter employs a multi-bus system architecture for PID
temperature control and sensor-specific process variable outputs such as
DO, pH, ORP, Resistivity/Conductivity, and ion-specific element (ISE)
output as a function of multiple inputs. Up to six field-configurable
alarm or control relay outputs are available to the user to match
individual process needs. These relays can be field configured as high or
low alarms. Hysterisis (dead band) is defined by setting the ON and OFF
relay values. These relays can be configured to any of the input
parameters. (See Section 3.3.5).
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
The LXT-220 can be upgraded with pre-pHault Diagnostics &
HART Communications option which alerts the operator to a pending
DO, pH, ORP, or ISE electrode failure.
The LXT-220 is housed in a rugged NEMA-4X housing with all
operator switches conveniently located on the front panel.
1.2 Main Features of the Transmitter
The LXT-220 Controller for dissolved oxygen applications
incorporates the following standard features:
• Front panel membrane switches
• Menu driven backlit display with contrast adjustment
• Automatic Calibration. This allows calibration points to be
defined upon initialization of the transmitter.
• An easy back to factory calibration menu allows the instrument
to return to a predetermined factory calibration. The default
parameters are: zero electrode offset and –157.5mV/FS slope.
• 4-20mA current output fully expandable to any range within the
transmitter’s full operating range. The output is field selectable
and fully programmable. The current output can be configured to
be reverse acting.
• Temperature Conversion. Temperature can be displayed in either
Fahrenheit or Celsius. The units can be toggled from one to the
other in the field with the conversion calculation performed
1.3 Optional Features
The Model LXT-220 DO Controller is a versatile instrument
designed to meet the needs for liquid analytics and process control
across a wide range of applications. There are many options available
for the transmitter including:
• Dual Input: An optional second input can be provided for pH,
ORP, resistivity/conductivity, or Specific Ion. The second input
can also be used as a second analysis for dissolved oxygen or as
specific compensation for the primary input.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
• PID Output: An optional PID output is available and provides a
4-20 mA, three-mode control signal. Proportional band is
adjustable from 0.1 to 1,000%. Reset and Rate are adjustable
from 0.00 to 100 repeats per minute and 0.00 to 1,000 minutes,
respectively. The PID output can be assigned and configured to
any of the available outputs.
• Multiple Output: The standard LXT-220 DO Controller is
provided with a single output. With the multiple output option,
up to four additional outputs can be added. These outputs can be
defined in the field as the process variable (DO, pH, ORP,
resistivity, conductivity), temperature, or PID. The additional
outputs are fully isolated from the inputs and the primary output
and are "floating" so they can have either a positive or negative
Note: These isolated outputs are floating and require an external
24 VDC power source to operate. TI/AI can supply an
internal 24 VDC power supply to power these outputs.
Contact the factory for additional information.
• Alarm Relays: Up to six alarm or control relays are available for
the primary channel, or divided between the two channels on
dual output transmitters. Relay outputs can be field configured as
high or low alarms. Hysteresis (dead band) is defined by setting
the "ON" and "OFF" relay values. The relays can be configured
to any of the input parameters.
• HART Output: This option provides both digital and analog
outputs that is useful for monitoring and controlling process
variables in a multiple output instrument.
• Optional Software
Differential Output: Provides an output expressed as the
difference between two inputs.
Ratio Output: Provides an output expressed as the ratio of two
inputs. This is applicable to percent rejection in some
Averaged Output: Provides an output expressed as the average
of two inputs.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
1.4 Front Panel
The operator interfaces with the instrument from the front panel.
Figure 1-1 shows a standard single channel LXT-220 DO instrument
front panel. The panel includes the LCD display capable of outputting
information in both a textural and graphical format. There are 6
membrane switches (keys) that control the operation of the unit. The
keys are in two groups:
MENU SELECT: UP/DOWN (▲/▼) These keys are used to
change the display menu and move the cursor vertically. Any
menu can be accessed using the appropriate MENU SELECT key.
These keys are also used to exit the calibration mode and save
calibration data.
The horizontal CALIBRATE keys are used to enter the calibrate
mode and move the cursor horizontally. To enter the calibrate
mode, both horizontal CALIBRATE keys must be pressed
simultaneously. Once in the calibrate mode, the cursor can be
positioned by pressing the appropriate individual CALIBRATE
key. These keys are also used to select an item from a menu. See
Section 3.1)
The vertical CALIBRATE keys are used to perform numeric
adjustments to displayed values. Pressing the ▲ CALIBRATE key
will increase the value; pressing the ▼ CALIBRATE key will
decrease the value.
Figure 1-1: LXT-220 Front Panel
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
1.5 Internal Connections
All user connections are made inside the unit on removable terminal
blocks. Two conduit holes are provided on the NEMA-4X housing, one for
low level DC signal and the other for 115VAC power wiring. Access to the
terminal blocks is gained after removing the 4 captive jackscrews on the
front of the instrument. Figure 2 shows the internal layout of the LXT-220
Controller. A label on the enclosure cover shows the terminal block
arrangement for all the wiring along with the model number and the factory
assignment of the output signals. These can be changed in the field if the
application prefers a different arrangement.
Figure 1-2: Internal Layout of the LXT-220 DO Controller
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
Installation of the LXT-220 Controller involves:
• Unpacking the instrument
• Mounting
• Making Electrical Connections
• Configuring the Instrument
• Calibration
2.1 Unpacking the Instrument
The LXT-220 Controller has been carefully packaged to protect it
from damage during shipment and dry storage. Upon receipt please
follow the procedure outlined below:
1. Before unpacking, inspect the condition of the shipping container
to verify proper handling by the carrier. If damage is noted, save
the shipping container as proof of mishandling for the carrier.
2. Check the contents of the shipping container with the items and
quantities shown on the packing list. Immediately report any
discrepancies to TI/TAI.
3. Save the original packing material until you are satisfied with the
contents. In the event the transmitter must be returned to the
factory, the packing material will allow you to properly ship it to
4. Familiarize yourself with the instrument before installation, and
follow proper installation and wiring procedures.
2.2 Mounting
Three typical installation configurations are available for the LXT-
• Universal mounting plate
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
• Handrail mounting plate
• Panel mounting configurations.
U-bolts may be ordered separately. Refer to the following
application drawings for mounting details:
4024011 Dimensions, wall & pipe mounting.
The unit is supplied with a universal-mounting bracket. Two slots
on each side will accommodate U-Bolts for pipe mounting.
4024012 Dimensions, Panel Mounting. This installation uses 1/4"
screws. Panel mounting is accommodated using the captive
jackscrew that will cinch the instrument bezel against the panel.
2000268 Dimensions, handrail mounting.
These application drawings can be located in the back of this
2.3 Electrical Connections
All electrical connections are made with connectors to a panel
inside the NEMA-4X enclosure. To gain access to the panel, use a flat-
blade screwdriver to remove the 4 captive screws on the front of the
instrument and swing the panel out. See Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1: Opening the Front Panel
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
2.3.1 AC Power
The LXT-220 requires a 115 VAC 60 Hz power source. A 24VDC
unit is available as an option.
Application drawing 4024003 illustrates the proper power wiring
for single channel LXT-220 as does the affixed label on the backside of
the front panel. The wires are best fed through the right conduit as
shown in Figure 2-2.
Figure 2-2: LXT-220 Electrical Connections
2.3.2 Sensor Wiring
A conditioned input is required from the sensor or electrode to the
LXT-220 for proper operation. Teledyne’s SP1 and SP2 sensors will
provide the required conditioning. The application drawing 4024003
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
illustrates the proper sensor wiring and is also shown on the affixed label
on the backside of the front panel.
2.4 Configuring the LXT-220
The LXT-220 Controller is used for measurement and control for a
wide range of liquid analytical applications. This manual describes the
configuration for use in dissolved oxygen measurement and control
applications. If your instrument included optional features such as dual
channel input for handling other specific measurement processes, a
second manual will be included to describe the setup and operational
parameters specific to that function.
Configuring the instrument is described in Section 3 of this manual.
2.5 Calibration
Prior to using the instrument for the first time, the LXT-220 must
be calibrated. The specific calibration procedure used depends on the
application. Among other things, the calibration routine establishes the
correspondence between the 4-20mA output signal and the application
dependant measurable parameter. This manual describes operation for
dissolved oxygen measurements and process control for the LXT-220.
Calibration can be performed without disturbing control or recorder
functions using a manual output mode (see Section 3.4.1). Typically, the
calibration is done using either a one point buffer calibration
(standardization) or two point (span) calibration. There is also a Back to
Factory calibration feature which resets the LXT-220 to “typical
electrode” for electrode potentials. As the electrode ages it will
deteriorate and the mV/FS will decay and eventually require
replacement. If the membrane is torn or coated the calibration will be
either sluggish or out of range. This feature restores the instrument to
the predetermined factory calibration point of zero electrode offset
and –157.5 mV/FS quickly.
The calibration routines require a familiarity with the instrument
operation and is described after fundamental operational parameters are
discussed in Section 3.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
No one instrument has all the options described in this document.
Some options must be specified at the time the instrument is purchased,
and are not field-alterable. The instrument can be returned to the factory
for re-programming if your requirements change.
3.1 Using the Front Panel Keys
Cursor positions or numeric adjustments are performed by pressing
the appropriate keypad. The LXT-220 uses an "underscore" cursor in
each of the menus. Holding down the keypad will automatically scroll
the cursor or numeric values.
Note: Simultaneous pressing both vertical keys or any
combination of keys other than the two horizontal
CALIBRATE keys is not recommended.
3.1.1 Menu Selection Keys
The MENU SELECTION keys are used to:
1. Change the display menu and move the cursor vertically. Any
menu can be accessed by the use of the appropriate up or down
2. Exit the calibration mode and save calibration data.
3.1.2 Calibrate Keys
1. The horizontal CALIBRATE keys are used to enter the calibrate
mode and move the cursor horizontally. To enter the calibrate
mode, both horizontal CALIBRATE keys must be pressed
2. Once in the calibrate mode, the cursor can be positioned by
pressing the individual right-hand or left-hand horizontal
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
3. With the cursor on a user selectable menu item, for instance
SETUP in the Parameter Selection Menu, pressing both
horizontal CALIBRATE keys will take you to the next lower
level of screens: 4-20 mA screen, Relay Setup screen, etc.
4. The vertical CALIBRATE keys are used to perform numeric
adjustments to displayed values. To use these keys, the LXT-
220 must be in the calibrate mode. Pressing the upper (▲)
CALIBRATE key will increase the value; pressing the lower
(▼) CALIBRATE key will decrease the value.
To exit the calibrate mode, press either of the MENU SELECTION
3.2 Menus
The LXT-220 contains a series of menus and submenus from which
different functions can be accessed. Even though the display only shows
4 menus per screen, you can scroll through all available menus by using
the MENU SELECT ▲ and ▼ keys.
The menus available in the standard LXT-220 instrument
configured for single channel dissolved oxygen controllers are shown in
Figure 3-1.
When the instrument is first powered up, a copyright display will
appear for a few seconds. This screen displays the serial number and
software version for your instrument. After a few seconds the display
changes to the main menu. From the main menu, you can scroll up (▲)
to the contrast menu or down (▼) through the available menus for your
S/N 1004
V 1.00
Copyright Display
Some menus allow you to choose from several options. To select
an option or item, scroll to the option using the MENU SELECT ▲/▼
keys. When the cursor is next to the item of interest select the item by
simultaneously pressing both the left and right (◄/►) CALIBRATE
arrow keys on the right side of the front panel.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
There may be additional menus not shown in Figure 3-1 depending
on the options you selected.
Figure 3-1: Available Menus and Submenus
In this manual, screens with a gray background are related to
dissolved oxygen measurement or control while white background
screens relate to a second channel process, for instance, ORP related
screens. When there is only one gray screen the information applies to
both process applications, for example, the contrast screen discussed
next adjusts the contrast for all screens.
3.2.1 Contrast
Display contrast can be adjusted to allow for variations of ambient
lighting and viewing angle by using this menu. The Contrast Menu is
the same for all LXT-220 controllers and is always located as the
uppermost menu. To access this menu from the Main Menu, press the
Contrast Menu
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
1. Press the upper MENU SELECTION key to reach the Contrast
2. Press both horizontal CALIBRATE keys simultaneously to enter
the calibrate mode. Observe the cursor move to the last digit.
3. Using the horizontal CALIBRATE keys, position the cursor
under the digit to be adjusted.
4. Increase or decrease the value by pressing the appropriate
vertical CALIBRATE key.
5. To save the contrast value and exit the calibrate mode, press
either MENU SELECTION key.
3.2.2 Main Menu
This menu appears after the copyright display when power is first
applied to the LXT-220. The MAIN MENU displays the measured
process variable, temperature, and the current output in percent of full-
scale. While in this menu, the current output can be adjusted and locked
in a manual mode to provide an undisturbed output during sensor
calibrations. The screens below are for a two-channel instrument. To
access the following menus in a two-channel instrument scroll down for
channel 1 and scroll up for channel 2. For a single channel instrument
scrolling down accesses all menus.
2 DO 8.40
1 DO 9.28
2 ORP 500
Main Menu, pH
Main Menu, ORP
3.2.3 Output Graph
This screen graphically displays the output current that is set up in
the Main screen. The X-axis of the graph display is factory set to ~150
samples (~15min @ 6 sec or .1min/sample). The setup screen sets the
Y-axis (the sensitivity). If the graph were assigned to a current output
the sensitivity would be that of the 4 to 20 mA output.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
3.2.4 Parameter Selection Menu
Parameter Selection Menu
This menu allows you to select what function you would like to
With the cursor on BUFFER, if you press ◄ and ► together the
LXT-220 will enter the calibration menus (standardize and span).
Scrolling to and choosing SETUP brings you to where you can
configure and setup the instrument. The STATUS section allows the
user to view the calibration engineering data (mV input from the sensor
and the zero potential from the last cal). Each section is entered by
placing the cursor under the first letter of the section you wish to enter
and pressing the two horizontal calibrate keys simultaneously. The
Parameter Selection Menu is discussed in detail in Section 3.4.2. CALIBRATION SUBMENU
Choosing BUFFER from the Parameter Selection Menu brings up a
submenu that allows the user to perform a 1 or 2 point buffer calibration
(standardize & span). This menu is described in detail in Section 3.4.2
1 DO
.00 ppm
.0 mV
Zero Calibration Menu DO
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Choosing SETUP from the Parameter Selection Menu brings up the
first of a series of screens that allows the user to configure some initial
parameters in the LXT-220 controller. These parameters are:
• 4 to 20 mA outputs
• relay contacts
• PID control
You can also setup how the graphic display plots the current output
using the Plot function. The menu below shows the Plot function. In this
case, the process variable assigned to Channel 1 is plotted and sampled
every 6 seconds (.1 min).
4-20 1
.1 m
(ch1 PV)
Current output menu
To set up additional parameters or to change to current preset
parameters refer to Section 3.3 Configuring the LXT-220 in this manual. CURRENT OUTPUT SETUP
This menu is used to set or adjust the current output range with the
process variable. The top line defines the 4 mA point, while the bottom line
defines the 20 mA point. Between these points, the output current is linear
with respect to the sensor input. The standard LXT-220 provides a single
output channel but options are available to expand the number of current
outputs to 4. See Section 3.3 Configuring the LXT-220 in this manual for
information on assigning other parameters to additional outputs.
.00 ppm
20mA1 10.00 ppm
(now 18.84 ma)
(ch1 PV)
Current output menu
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
Relay on/off set points are adjusted in this menu. The top line
defines the point in which the relay is energized (on) and the bottom line
defines the point in which the relay is de-energized (off). The LXT-220
can contain up to 6 sets of relay contacts. Refer to Section 3.3.5 Relay
Assignments to set up the number of contacts.
1 On > 10.00 ppm
1. Off < 9.85 ppm
(ch1 PV)
The Locus is the temperature where the different concentrations are
equal and is referenced for temperature compensation. The noise filter
is adjustable from 1 to 20 to dampen any distracting fluctuations on the
DO Locus
-17.0 OC
Noise filter
Electrode Data menu ORP
Electrode Data menu ORP STATUS MENU
This menu allows the user to view the time of day clock and the
engineering information pertaining to the electrode as an informational
screen only. The top line displays the real-time (active) absolute
millivolt value (mVa) the electrode is generating, uncompensated for
temperature variations. The bottom line displays the electrode zero
potential from the last calibration.
This information is extremely helpful in determining the diagnostic
status of an electrode. In conjunction with regular calibrations, the
Electrode Diagnostic Screen provides valuable information to track
electrode performance.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
0 mV
-150.4 mVa
Fri 12:00:37
Electrode Data menu ORP
Time of day clock EXIT/STAY MENU
This menu confirms that the user wishes to leave the section that
they are currently in. This menu will show up each time that the LX-
Exit Stay
Exit / Stay menu
220 is prompted to leave the current section before it goes back to the
parameter selection menu. Press the appropriate menu selection key
either to stay in the current section or exit and return to the parameter
selection menu.
3.3 Configuring the LXT-220
To initially configure or reconfigure the instrument, use the left-
side ▲ and ▼ MENU SELECT keys to scroll to the bottom of the
menus list and stop when the CONFIGURE/TRIM option is displayed.
Simultaneously depress the◄ and ► keys to enter the configuration
mode. This mode should be password protected if access to the keyboard
is unrestricted. The new configuration remains in effect through
indefinite power outages.
The configuration mode is a submenu grouping of 9 or more
functions that can be set by the user to tailor the instrument to a
particular application. The following 7 functions appear in groups of 4
for a standard instrument:
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
Some instruments have two channels measuring two unrelated
quantities, and in those cases both channels can be configured from the
same configuration menus.
Depending on options selected 2 additional submenus could appear:
Scroll down to the item of interest, and then simultaneously depress
the ◄ and ► keys to access the sub-menu for that item.
3.3.1 Password Protection
It is worthwhile to become familiar with the password capabilities
of the instrument even if you decide not to use them, as it is possible that
one gets set by mistake and you need to change or erase it.
Password protection can be selectively turned on for the operational
and configuration displays. The operational and configuration passwords
can be different. Passwords are entered using only the right four keys,
and the passwords are numbers consisting only of the digits 1 to 4. No
digits are shown on the keyboard. It is necessary to remember that the
top key is 1, the right key is 2, the bottom key is 3, and the left key is 4.
See Figure 3-2.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
Figure 3-2: Numerical Entry Using Front Panel Keys
After successfully entering the operational password it remains
valid for 60 seconds after exiting the calibration mode on that display.
During that time a second display can be accessed without re-entering
the password. The 60 second timer starts again when exiting the cali-
bration mode on that display also, so that any number of operational
displays can be modified with a single password entry.
If the wrong password is entered three consecutive times in
accessing a protected display all password access is disabled, and the
main display shows “Err PW”. The instrument continues to function
normally, but none of the password-protected settings can be changed.
Normal operation is restored by momentarily turning off power. No
keyboard commands are required to restore normal password protection.
The Err PW display is cleared by any keystroke, but when attempting to
enter a password the display will still show disabled.
If the password is lost and you want to gain access to protected
screens and/or enter a new password, turn off the power, and then reapply
it. Within one second of the time that text first appears on the screen,
press the rightmost key on the keyboard. The screen will go blank to
acknowledge the key press, but there will be no other visible indication
that the key is recognized. After a few seconds the instrument will begin
functioning normally except that the configuration password has been
disabled for 60 seconds. The operational password remains in effect.
Immediately enter the configuration mode and choose a new password.
Note: This method will not work if the key is down at the time
power is applied. The key must be depressed shortly after
text first appears.
The following displays control the password settings.
Operate password level:
no PW
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
The protection level for the operational displays is the number on
the left side of the second line. None of the operational displays are
password protected if the protection level is 0. If it is not zero then, with
the exceptions shown in Table 3-1, all displays that affect the operation
of the instrument are protected. An N entry in the table means that the
display is not protected.
Table 3-1: Protection Level Exceptions
man out
1-point buf
To change the protection level, navigate using the right side
(CALIBRATE) ◄/ ► keys to the old protection level number (3 in the
above screen). Adjust the numerical value using the right side
(CALIBRATE) ▲/▼ keys and then accept the input by pressing either
of the left side MENU SELECT) ▲/▼ keys. The old operational
password is erased if the protection level is changed to 0. Changing from
0 to another value has no effect until a new password is entered. The
display shows no PW if the password has been erased. CHANGING OPERATIONAL PASSWORD
To enter a new operational password, navigate to the old password
(or no PW) using the (CALIBRATE) ◄/ ► keys and select by pressing
both (CALIBRATE) ◄/ ► keys simultaneously. This brings up the new
operational password screen.
New opr password
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
Press both (CALIBRATE) ◄/ ► keys again to enter a new
operational password. 1 to 8 digits may he entered. Press either of the
menu keys to accept the new password when done.
Note: A new password will not be accepted unless the protection
level has already been set to a value greater than 0. CHANGING CONFIGURATION PASSWORD
To change the configuration password, use the MENU SELECT
▲/▼ keys to navigate to the PASSWORD menu and select it by
pressing both CALIBRATE ◄/ ► keys simultaneously. Use the MENU
SELECT ▲/▼ keys to bring the cursor to the Configure password level
Config password level:
no PW
To enter a new configure password, navigate to the old password
(or no PW) using the (CALIBRATE) ◄/ ► keys and select by pressing
both (CALIBRATE) ◄/ ► keys simultaneously. This brings up the new
configure password screen.
New opr password
Press both (CALIBRATE) ◄/ ► keys again to enter a new
configure password. 1 to 8 digits may he entered. Press either of the
menu keys to accept the new password when done.
Note: A new configure password will not be accepted unless the
protection level has already been set to 1.
These two displays work the same as the corresponding operational
displays, except that the protection level can only be 0 or 1.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
The configuration password is rarely used and the configuration
settings are more sensitive, so the password should use more digits than
the operational password. With eight base 4 digits the odds of breaking
the code in three tries are 3 in 65536 if the user knows that there are 8
digits. The user will not know the number of digits that you chose, so
the odds are usually smaller than that. The maximum number of digits
allowed in a password, or the number actually used, cannot be
determined by entering trial passwords. A two or three digit password is
therefore moderately effective if systematic attempts at breaking the
code are not anticipated, but short passwords should nevertheless be
avoided in a critical process.
3.3.2 4-20 mA Output Assignments
The next group of displays are used to assign the 4-20 mA outputs.
Note: The LXT-220 has been configured at the factory for your
specific application as specified at the time of the order.
Using the MENU SELECT ▲/▼ keys, scroll down to the 4-20 mA
ASSIGN option and select it by pressing both CALIBRATE ◄/ ► keys
simultaneously. The screen will display 4-20 1: where . . . is one of the
following selections:
ch1 PV
not installed
Installed but not currently used
Channel 1 process value
Channel 1 temperature
Channel 1 PID controller output
Channel 2 process value
Channel 2 temperature
Channel 2 PID controller output
ch1 temp
ch1 PID
ch2 PV
ch2 temp
ch2 PID
The channel 2 options are only shown on two channel instruments,
and specialized instruments may show additional options.
To change the output assignment, first push both CALIBRATE ◄/
► keys, causing the cursor to move to the right. Then use the right-side
CALIBRATE ▲/▼ keys to scroll through the list of options. The list is
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
cyclic. Use either of the MENU SELECT ▲/▼ keys to accept the
selection and move the cursor back to the left. The displayed selection
remains in effect until changed and the selection is remembered through
power outages of indefinite length.
Up to two 4-20 outputs can be assigned to the same source. There is
no error indication if more than two are assigned to the same source, but
there will be no span display for the third. A span display will otherwise
be present in the main menu for each 4-20 output that is assigned to a
source. If the source is associated with channel 2 then the span display
will be in the channel 2 group. The new assignment is not functional
until the setpoints in the span display are set. If a PID controller is
selected as a source then its support displays will also be present.
The next two displays are for the second and third 4-20mA outputs.
Some units do not have all three outputs, but the displays will show
three output options anyway, as the additional outputs can be retrofitted.
The 'missing' assignment should be selected for uninstalled outputs. The
software cannot determine how many 4-20 outputs are installed, so the
'missing' selection might not reflect the actual configuration.
Output #4 is dedicated to HART, and its assignment is discussed in
the HART section. If the instrument is not connected to a HART
network then the fourth output can be used like any of the other outputs.
The fourth output is only present if the instrument was purchased with
the HART option.
A span display will be present in the setup menu for each 4-20
output that is assigned to a source unless the source is a PID controller.
PID controllers have different setup displays, and they are in the same
section. If the source is associated with channel 2 then the display will be
in the channel 2 group. The new assignment is not usable until the
setpoints or PID parameters are specified in the operational displays.
The third line of the display will show a line such as (ch1 man
mode) if an assignable manual mode control is associated with the
output. The line will begin with a question mark if making the current
selection permanent would result in a manual mode assignment conflict.
Refer to Section 3.3.3 Manual Mode Assignment for more information.
3.3.3 Manual Mode Assignment
In the manual output mode, the current output is manually set to the
desired level and saved until changed or released from the manual mode.
The main menu display shows the process value and a 4-20 mA percent
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
output field for each channel. The manual mode assignment allows the
percent output display to be associated with any of the 4-20 outputs, in-
cluding the HART output. When in the manual mode the 4-20 output is
controlled from the keyboard. Zero percent corresponds to a current of 4
mA, and 100 percent corresponds to a current of 20 mA. If a 4-20 output
is used to control the process then the manual mode is normally assigned
to that output, although the instrument does not require this choice.
Cross-channel assignments are allowed in that the selected 4-20 can be
assigned to something on the other channel. Cross-channel assignments can
usually be avoided, and they should be avoided when possible.
ch1 man mode on 4-20:
(ch1 PV)
To change the assignment simultaneously depress both
CALIBRATE ◄/ ► keys, then use the right-side CALIBRATE ▲/▼
keys to change the selection. One of the selections is “none”, and with
that selection the percent output field is not present in the operational
display. The bottom line shows the signal that the selected 4-20 is
assigned to. On two channel instruments the next display is the manual
mode assignment for channel two.
Each 4-20 output can have only one manual mode control assigned
to it. If one already exists for the current selection it will be preceded by
a question mark. Some instruments have more than two manual mode
controls in the operational displays, and they must all he assigned to
different 4-20 outputs if they are activated.
The other manual mode controls are built-in in some instruments.
An example would he the weight-percent display of a conductivity unit.
The manual mode field appears in a separate display in these cases, and
it is independent of the manual mode assignments for the main display.
The manual mode capability is automatically activated when a 4-20 is
assigned to one of these functions. The percent output field does not
appear in the operational display unless a 4-20 is assigned to it.
Conversely, when changing the 4-20 assignments a conflict can
arise if a 4-20 with a pre-existing manual mode control is reassigned to
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
a function with its own manual mode output. The 4-20 assignment
display will show if the output is associated with an assignable manual
mode. Regardless of the cause, the affected operational display manual
mode fields will begin with a question mark when a conflict exists.
When that happens refer to the manual mode configuration displays, and
HART 1: …..
the question marks there will show where the problem lies.
No contention occurs unless two different displays are actually in
the manual mode for the same 4-20, so the question marks in the
displays can be ignored if the assignments are made for diagnostic
3.3.4 HART Output Assignments
If the instrument was purchased with the HART option then the
next five displays are for assigning the HART digital and analog
outputs. The first of these displays is:
where… represents one of the items from the 4-20 mA assignment
list in Section 3.3.2.
HART command #3 requests four variables from the instrument.
Each of these variables can be assigned to any of the sources shown in
the 4-20 assignment section. Each variable has a units code, which
identifies the variable as being pH, millivolts, degrees C, etc. The units
code is supplied automatically depending on the assignment and the
instrument configuration. If command 3 is not used then only the first
output assignment will be reported. If any output is assigned to
“missing” or “unused” then that value will be reported as “not a
number”, and the units field will be “not used”.
HART analog 1:
The first digital output assignment is referred to as the primary
variable in the HART system.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
HART analog 2:, HART analog 3:, HART analog 4:
The next three displays assign the second, third, and fourth
variables. The assignments are changed in the same way as for the 4-20
outputs. See Section 3.3.2 4-20mA Output Assignments.
It is not possible to assign more than one HART digital output to
the same source. The current selection will be preceded by a < symbol
on the display if making it permanent would result in duplication.
HART analog: 5
4-20 output #4 is dedicated to HART. This output normally carries
the digital information superimposed on the 4-20 mA current. But if the
HART system uses the multi-drop mode then the current output of 4-20
#5 is disabled, with only the digital signal remaining. Several instruments
are connected in parallel in the multi-drop mode, so analog signaling is
not possible. The current that would have been output is still reported
digitally, as a percentage, and that will be sufficient for some applications.
But if an actual 4-20 current is required then one of the other 4-20 outputs
must be used to supply it, and this display is used to make the assignment.
The specified 4-20 must in turn be assigned to an appropriate source.
Note: If the HART analog output is assigned to an output other
than #5, then #5 cannot be assigned to anything. It must
be set to “missing” or “unused”.
The span settings for the selected 4-20 output correspond directly to
the HART lower and upper range limits, and they can be set either from
the keyboard or with command #35. If they are changed with the
command then the new value will be shown on the instrument's span
display for the selected output. If they are changed from the keyboard
then those values are reported digitally over the HART network.
If command 35 is to be used to set the limits then the HART 4-20
output must be selected first because the output span does not exist until
an assignment is made. The span settings must be readjusted or be
resent when the HART analog output assignment is changed.
The 4-20 supplying the HART analog output is normally assigned
to the same source as the primary variable, and the HART displays show
the engineering units for the upper and lower range limits as being the
same as those of the primary variable. It is possible to assign the analog
output to other sources, but other assignments are non-standard, and the
units displayed by the remote system will not be correct.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
If the 4-20 selected for the HART analog output is assigned to
“missing” or “unused” then the digital representation of the output
current will be “not a number”, but with up to four digital variables still
being transmitted.
3.3.5 Relay Assignments
The next 8 displays are for the relay assignments. The first of the
relay displays is:
Relay 1: ...
Where ... represents an item from the same list that is used for the
4-20 assignments. The procedure for selecting a relay assignment is the
same as for the 4-20 outputs. See Section 3.3.2 4-20mA Output
Up to two relays can be assigned to the same source, so one relay
can be used to control the process, and another relay can be used as an
alarm if the process value is out of limits.
The relay configuration menu provides for 8 relays, but most units
do not have that many relays installed. Some units do not have any
relays installed, but the relay menu will nevertheless be present as the
relays can be retrofitted. The software cannot determine how many
relays are actually present, so the “missing” selection might not reflect
the actual configuration.
A display showing the relay setpoints for each relay is present in the
main menu. If the relay is assigned to a channel 2 function then the display
will be in the channel 2 group. The display is not shown if the “missing” or
“unused” selection is made. A new relay assignment is not necessarily
functional until the setpoints in the span display are set. If a PID controller
is selected as a source then its support displays will also be present.
3.3.6 Temperature Calibration
The next display is for calibrating the process temperature
displayed by the instrument.
Trim OC
Temperature Calibration
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
The bottom line shows the measured temperature. To change the
displayed temperature so it agrees with a measured value, place the
cursor on the top line then simultaneously depress both CALIBRATE
◄/ ► keys. Use the right-side CALIBRATE ▲/▼ keys to adjust the
number so that the displayed temperature agrees with that measured by a
The number shown on the top line is simply added to the
temperature that the instrument measures. There is no slope correction.
To toggle between degrees C and degrees F, place the cursor on the
bottom line and simultaneously depress both CALIBRATE ◄/ ► keys.
This will change the unit. Press both keys again to toggle back to the
original unit.
All temperature displays on both channels use the selected system
of units. The scale and units code in the HART temperature output is
also controlled by this selection.
On two channel instruments the next display trims the channel 2
3.3.7 4-20 Trim
The next six displays are used to trim the 4-20 outputs. The 4-20
outputs are calibrated at the factory and will never need recalibration in
most applications. Periodic recalibration is not recommended.
4mA1 trim
4 to 20 mA trim
As in the other menus, the cursor moves to the right when both
CALIBRATE keys are depressed and the output current is set to 4.00
mA, overriding the output assignment. Measure the 4-20 output #1
current with an ammeter, and adjust the number on the top line until the
meter reads 4.00 mA.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
The next display is for trimming the 20 mA point of output #1 and
it works the same as the 4 mA trim. The 4 mA and 20 mA trims do not
interact, and the endpoint trims are linearly interpolated for other output
Note: The 4-20 #5 output must be trimmed by standard
commands sent over the HART communication link.
3.3.8 Input A/D Converter Trim
This display is used to calibrate the analog to digital converter that is
used to measure the process value. The bottom line shows the measured
input voltage. The scale factor on the top line is adjusted until the
displayed voltage is the same as that of a voltmeter connected to the input.
If the process is stable then the voltage can be the output of a sensor, but it
is better to replace the sensor with a fixed voltage source. For optimum
accuracy, the calibration voltage should be a substantial portion of the full
scale voltage. It can be of either polarity. The input zero point error is
automatically removed, so there is no adjustment for it.
1 in gain
400.0 mV
Input A/D converter trim
The normal input range is +/- 600 millivolts, but ORP and some
specific ion units use a +/-1200 millivolt range. On conductivity units
the analog voltage is not externally accessible, but conductivity systems
do not have millivolt displays, so no calibration is required. On
conductivity units this display is only used for factory testing.
The input scale factor is calibrated at the factory and will never
need recalibration in normal applications. Periodic recalibration is not
recommended, as most units will remain accurate to within about 0.2
percent for many years. Further, any inaccuracy in the displayed
millivolts is calibrated out when buffer calibrations are performed, so
there is no requirement that the displayed millivolts be highly accurate.
If the scale is accidentally changed and it is not convenient to perform a
voltmeter calibration then simply set the scale factor to 1.0000. Most
units are accurate to 2 percent with that setting, which is adequate for
most applications.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
On two channel units the next and last display is for trimming the
channel 2 analog input.
3.3.9 PID Assignments
Two independent Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controllers
are available as options on all instruments, including one channel units.
The sub-menu for assigning the controller inputs is:
PID A: …..
PID B: …..
Where . . . . represents one of the items from the 4-20 mA
assignment list in Section 3.3.2. The PID controller outputs in turn
represent separate signal sources, and various outputs can be assigned to
Not all signal sources are suitable as inputs to a PID processor, and
an asterisk on the display marks the selections that are unavailable.
Potentially useful sources, such as the process value, temperature, and
quantities derived from the measured process value(s) are normally
available. The assignment should be set to “unused” if no controller is
needed. This will prevent the PID setup displays from appearing in the
operational section.
Either PID processor can be assigned to a signal from either
channel, and they can both be assigned to signals on the same channel,
but they cannot be assigned to the same signal on the same channel. The
current selection will be preceded by a question mark on the display if
making it permanent would result in duplication.
Up to two 4-20 mA outputs and up to two relays can be assigned to
each PID processor output. The output of the PID processor is discarded
if nothing is assigned to it.
If a 4-20 mA output is assigned to a PID processor there will be no
display for it in the setup section of the operational displays, as the 4-20
output scaling is fully specified by the PID setup parameters in the same
section. If relays are assigned to a PID output there will be setpoint
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
displays for them in the setup section, and they can be used for alarm
purposes or otherwise. The bottom line of the display will identify the
relay as being assigned to a PID output, and it will also show what the
input to the PID processor is assigned to.
A 0% relay setpoint refers to the minimum PID output, which
corresponds to a current of 4 mA on any current loops assigned to the
PID, and a 100% setpoint corresponds to a 20 mA current. When 4-20
mA outputs are assigned to a PID output, it is helpful to assign one of
the manual mode displays (Section 3.3.3) to one of the them so that the
percent output of the controller will be visible in the operational
See Section 3-5 Proportional Control Setup and Configuration for
configuring and setting up the optional PID control feature.
3.4 Calibration
Calibration involves performing either a one-point standardization
calibration or two-point span calibration. These choices are available
after choosing BUFFER from the Parameter Selection Menu
3.4.1 Manual Output Mode
In order to perform calibrations without interfering with control or
recorder functions, the LXT-220 incorporates a manual output mode. In
the manual output mode, the current output is set to the desired level and
saved until changed or released from the manual mode. On LXT-220s
with the optional PID controller output on channel 2, the current output
displayed is the PID controller output. The following procedure
demonstrates the use of the manual output.
Note: Prior to any calibration, The LXT-220 controller should be
placed into the manual mode
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
M 50.0%
Main Menu, DO
1. If not at the Main Menu, press the appropriate MENU
SELECTION key to reach the Main Menu.
2. Press both horizontal ◄►CALIBRATE keys simultaneously to
enter the calibrate mode and observe the "M" appearing in front
of the % current output value. The "M" signifies that the manual
output is locked in the manual mode.
3. Using the horizontal CALIBRATE keys one at a time, position
the cursor under the digit to be adjusted.
4. Increase or decrease the value by pressing the appropriate
vertical ▲/▼ CALIBRATE key.
To release manual output:
1. Return to the Main Menu by pressing the appropriate MENU
2. Observe that the "M" appears in front of the % current output
value. This "M" signifies that the transmitter output is in
3. Press only the left-hand ◄ CALIBRATE key and observe the
"M" disappear, releasing the LXT-220 from the manual output
mode. The % output value will return to the real-time current
3.4.2 Parameter Selection Menu
Scroll down from the main menu to reach the parameter set up
menu. Once in the Parameter set up menu select the function you would
like to enter.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
• BUFFER: Perform a 1 or a 2 point calibration
• SETUP: Set up the range of the 4-20 mA output
• STATUS: Information only. Shows the data stored from the last
calibration. BUFFER MENU
From the parameter selection menu chose the top line (the
BUFFER command) and press the two horizontal ◄► CALIBRATE
keys simultaneously to enter the BUFFER calibration submenu. Both
the one-point calibration (standardize) and the two-point (span)
calibrations are available within this menu. The procedures for each
calibration function are given below. ONE-POINT BUFFER CALIBRATION (STANDARDIZE)
Because all dissolved oxygen electrodes experience minor
variations, buffer calibrations are necessary before installing the
electrodes in service. Also, occasional calibrations are necessary to
compensate for electrode degradation while in service. For
measurement specifics refer to the dissolved oxygen sensor manual.
.00 ppm
.0 mV
Standardization menu pH
1. Be sure that the cursor is located under the "1" as illustrated.
2. For diagnostic reasons note the ppm and mV values from the
prior calibration.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
3. Clean the electrode and insert the sensor into the desired buffer.
4. Press both horizontal CALIBRATE keys simultaneously to enter
the calibrate mode. Observe the diagnostic value on the bottom
line change from historical data to a real-time value and that the
term "CAL" has disappeared.
5. To change the buffer point, position the cursor under the desired
digit using the left-hand CALIBRATE key.
6. Increase or decrease the value by pressing the appropriate
vertical CALIBRATE key.
7. Wait for the real-time mV value to stabilize.
8. To save the calibration and exit the calibrate mode, press either
A perfect electrode slope (efficiency) is typically greater than -150.
mV/FS. If the value falls below -100.0 mV/FS, the electrode should be
When first installing an electrode, the second cal point
establishes the slope variations or efficiency. The span is typically done
in air which is the saturation point of the solution when in equilibrium.
8.40 ppm
-173.8 mV/FS
Span calibration menu pH
1. Perform a one-point calibration as outlined in Section
2. Press the appropriate MENU SELECTION key to reach the
Electrode Span Menu and locate the cursor under the "2" as
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
3. For diagnostic reasons note the DO and mV/FS values from the
prior calibration.
4. Press both horizontal CALIBRATE keys simultaneously to enter
the calibrate mode. Observe the diagnostic value on the bottom
line becomes a real-time value and that the term "CAL" has
5. To change the buffer point, position the cursor under the desired
digit using the left-hand CALIBRATE key.
6. Increase or decrease the value by pressing the appropriate
vertical CALIBRATE key.
7. Wait for the real-time mV value to stabilize.
8. To file the calibration and exit the calibrate mode, press either
A perfect electrode slope (efficiency) is typically greater than -
150.0 mV/FS. If the value falls below -100.0 mV/FS, the electrode
should be serviced or replaced.
If a flashing asterisk appears during or after
calibration, the electrode may require service, or
the buffer solution may be contaminated.
Note: Comparing the millivolt values before and after the
calibration provides a valuable diagnostic tool in
determining the degradation of the electrode. Large
differences between calibrations may indicate coating or
damage to the measurement half-cell. CALIBRATION USING A GRAB SAMPLE AS A STANDARD
The LXT-220 allows easy standardization to a grab sample value
by placing the process value into the first calibration point.
1. Record the O2 value of the process when the sample is extracted.
2. Record the O2 value of the grab sample.
3. Calculate the difference between the two values as follows:
(Grab sample value) - (Displayed value) = differential
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
4. Immediately before making the calibration adjustment, note the
current value on the display and add the differential to the
current value. This "total adjusted" value is entered as the buffer
If the slope calibration performed in Section is not within
the predetermined limits of the instrument, a flashing asterisk (*) will
The presence of the asterisk indicates a potential calibration
problem. In general, if the asterisk appears, the integrity of the
electrode, the buffer solutions or the handling procedure should be
questioned. See the dissolved oxygen sensor manual for specifics on the
This feature allows the LXT-220 to be reset to "typical electrode"
for electrode potentials. As the electrode ages it will deteriorate and the
mV/FS will decay and will eventually require replacement. If the
membrane is torn or coated the calibration will be either sluggish or out
of range.
The following procedure for returning the LXT-220 to factory
calibration can be used for both standardize and span calibrations.
1 DO
.00 ppm
.0 mV
2 DO
10.0 ppm
-157.5 mV/FS
Standardization menu DO @ factory default
Standardization menu @ factory default
Procedure at the Standardization Menu:
1. Position the cursor under the "C" in "Cal."
2. Press both horizontal CALIBRATE keys simultaneously and
observe the cursor briefly move to the right. The default setting
is complete.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
3. This procedure is required at BOTH of the calibration points.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
4.1 Routine Maintenance
Aside from normal cleaning routine maintenance is limited to
recalibration. For recalibration, see Section 3.4 Calibration. However, if
service of the internal components is required always turn off the power
to the instrument.
4.1.1 Cleaning
Although the LXT-220 NEMA 4X enclosure can withstand harsh
environments, it may become necessary to clean the front panel if it
becomes coated or dirty. Cleaning the front panel can be performed
with a detergent and water.
Before cleaning, the integrity of the enclosure seals should be
inspected. Also check the conduit fittings and seals to make sure
moisture does not enter the enclosure while cleaning.
If the enclosure cover must be removed, it is wise to clean and
inspect the gasket seal. If the seal is damaged, replace the gasket.
Always keep the gasket lightly lubricated with a silicone grease.
4.1.2 Replacement of the Microprocessor:
For replacement of the microprocessor, contact the factory.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
Table 4-1: Troubleshooting
The LCD does not
No power to the
Check power supply
to be sure the correct
voltage is being
supplied to the
Contrast level is set
too low.
Set contrast level to a
higher value.
Because the contrast
menu is always the
top menu, it can be
reached by pressing
the upper MENU
least 12 times. Enter
the calibrate mode
and increase the
Sensor or signal
conditioner has a
short that draws too
much power from the
Check the sensor for
proper operation. To
verify, disconnect all
sensor wires and
cycle power off, then
The PROM has not
been properly
Check orientation of
the PROM to the
installed in the socket. socket. Make sure the
pins are fully inserted
and are not bent.
Readings are not
linear at the low end
of the range.
The sensor range is
not compatible with
the instrument.
Verify the sensor
range. Install a
sensor with the
correct range.
Erratic readings.
Air bubble in sensor.
Check orientation of
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
A.1 Specifications
Packaging: NEMA-4X weatherproof enclosure
suitable for general purpose application
Power Requirements: 115/220 VAC or optionally 24 VDC 0.25A
Display: Menu driven Supertwist LCD.
Simultaneously displays process ID,
Process value in Eng. units, % output and
temp in °C or °F.
Sensor: Application specific
Input Measurement Parameters:
Conductivity, Resistivity, pH, Specific
Ion, Dissolved Oxygen, ORP.
Also, external events and analog inputs
can be integrated logically or operational
Outputs: 4-20 mA, HART or RS232 up to a
maximum of 6 analog outputs.
Response Time: 90% of step change in 1 second
Accuracy: ±0.10% of full scale
Linearity: ±0.05% of full scale
Sensitivity: ±0.05%
Stability: ±0.2% per year @ 0 to 70°C
Repeatability: ±0.1%
Input/Output Isolation: Max 300V between process input and any
4-20mA output
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
Maximum Loop Impedance: 800Ω on 4-20 outputs with internal
Digital Interface: HART option
Operating Temperature: -4° to 158°F (-20° to 70°C)
Dimensions: 5.67” H, 5.67” W, 6.97” D
Temp. Compensation: Automatic, -30 to 140°C, RTD. Accuracy
within ±1.0°C over a 0-100°C span.
50/60Hz Noise Rejection: Greater than 70 db.
Calibration: Auto calibration allows the definition of
two calibration points, saved in memory,
during the initial startup. This will allow
subsequent standardization and span
calibrations with only 2 keystrokes. Cal
parameters initiated by configuration
Configurability: Parameter graph. Relays (up to 8) solid
state or SPDT mechanical, 8 internal
clocks and timers (one-shot and periodic),
4 current outputs (4-20mA) and 2 PID
current outputs, logical function (and/or
gates) can all be setup as desired in the
configuration menus.
5A switching mechanical relays, .065-3A
230VAC solid state with 600 W total load
without additional heat sinking
Password Protection: Multilevel password configuration allows
selection of protected parameters in
operational and/or configuration routines.
Sentinel Compatible: 2 channels
Conc. Curves: Built-in for conductivity measurements:
HCl, H2SO4, NaOH, NaCl, HF, HNO3,
KOH, etc.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
A.2 Model Designation
The standard LXT-220 controller is 110VAC powered unit in a 1/2
DIN, NEMA 4X enclosure. It incorporates a backlit graphics display and
a membrane keypad. This instrument requires an external 24VDC to
power the outputs. An option is available for an internally generated
24VDC powered instrument.
The instrument is configured at the factory for the customer’s
application and so there are many different model designators.
The following codes will help in identifying a specific instrument
Base Model:
LXT-220 controller
Channel 1 Input:
ORP Oxidation Reduction Potential (REDOX)
DO Dissolved Oxygen (specify ppm or %)
PION Specific ion
CDL Conductivity, Low range (20uS or less)
CDH Conductivity, High range (50uS to 50mS)
CDT Conductivity Toroidal (electrodeless greater then 50mS)
Channel 2 Input:
ORP Oxidation Reduction Potential (REDOX)
DO Dissolved Oxygen (specify ppm or %)
Resistivity (0 to 50 megohms)
PION Specific ion
CDL Conductivity, Low range (20uS or less)
CDH Conductivity, High range (50uS to 50mS)
CDT Conductivity Toroidal (electrodeless greater then 50mS)
Resistivity (0 to 50 megohms)
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
Channel 3 Input:
Input from an external 4 to 20mA device
EX1 Input from an external relay contact device
* Sentinel Diagnostic:
DIAG1Sentinel Diagnostic on channel 1
DIAG2Sentinel Diagnostic on channel 2
** Number of 4 to 20 mA Outputs:
1mA One 4 to 20mA Current Output
2mA Two 4 to 20mA Current Outputs
3mA Three 4 to 20mA Current Outputs
4mA Four 4 to 20mA Current Outputs
5mA Five 4 to 20mA Current Outputs
6mA Six 4 to 20mA Current Outputs
Hart protocol option
Type of relay contacts:
Form C (SPDT)
Number of relay contacts:
Two relay contacts
Four relay contacts
Six relay contacts
Eight relay contacts
Mounting hardware:
UM Universal mounting plate
PM Panel mounting hardware
HM Handrail mounting plate (including 2” hardware)
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
Optional power requirements:
PS1 Standard powered by 120VAC
PS2 24 VDC internally generated to power the 4 to 20 mA
output cards
PS3 LXT-220 controller powered by 24 VDC
Special options:
F2 Output = function of dual inputs: ratio, free chlorine,
differential, average: SPECIFY!
***%C Percent (%) ion concentration display only
(Available for Conductivity only)
Signal conditioner mounted inside transmitter enclosure.
Field selectable time average (2 to 32 seconds)
Periodic timer
One-Shot timer
Logic Gates Field configurable
Special temperature input from sensor 1000 ohm pt
PID 3 mode proportional control
TPC Time Proportional Control (Requires 2 solid state relay
GO2 Gaseous Oxygen (O2)
For options not listed, consult factory for price and availability.
Diagnostic Feature is only available on pH, ORP, and
Pion. If the diagnostic option is selected the sensor and
electrode must also contain the diagnostic option for the
feature to function.
4 to 20mA Current outputs are field configurable. If the
outputs are to be configured by Teledyne at time of
shipment the output parameters must be specified. If not
specified the outputs will be configured as standard 4 to
20mA outputs corresponding to the specified input.
If an output is required along with the display a second
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
output must be specified.
Output configuration options:
MA 4-20 mA, standard
TMP 4-20 mA, Temperature (adjustable -100 to +200°C)
PID 4-20 mA, 3 mode control
% (ion) mA % concentration for display and 2nd output
(Conductivity only)
DIAG Sentinel Reference Diagnostic
As an example:
This indicates the LXT-220 Controller for pH applications with a
standard single 4-20mA output. The controller has an internal 24 VDC
power supply to power the output card. The instrument is equipped with
a universal mounting plate.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
A to D converter trim, 42
AC power. See power
accuracy, 42, 53
address, 55
air, 47
current output, 26
configure, 28
decreasing a value, 16
dedicated output, 39
default parameters, 14
diagnostic feature, 59
digital interface, 54
digital signal, 39
alarm, 13, 15
HI, 13
LO, 13
alarm relay, 40
dimensions, 54
analog to digital converter, 42
display, 14, 16, 53
display contrast, 25
assigning parameters, 28
assignment conflict, 36, 37
auto calibration, 54
automatic calibration, 14
back to factory calibration, 14, 22, 49
backlit graphics display, 57
BUFFER, 27, 44, 46
CALIBRATE key, 16, 23
numerical equivalence, 31
calibrate mode, 23
calibration, 22, 44
calibration menu, 27
calibration voltage, 42
caution sign, iv
change the protection level, 33
changing output assignment, 37
cleaning, 51
dissolved oxygen, 13, 14, 24, 53
dissolved oxygen electrode, 46
dual channel input, 22
dual input. See input
dual input option, 13
efficiency, 47
electrical connections, 20
electrode, 29
electrode degradation, 22, 46
electrode diagnostic screen, 29
electrode failure, 14
electrode performance, 29
electrode potential, 22
electrode slope, 47, 48
electrode variation, 46
enclosure. See NEMA-4X
Err PW, 32
command #3, 38
erratic reading, 52
command #35, 39
error detection, 49
concentration curves, 54
conductivity, 13, 14, 53
conduit, 21
external event, 53
factory calibration point, 22
feature codes, 57
conduit hole, 17
configuration password. See password
configuring LXT-220, 30
connections, 17
features, 14
figures listing, ix
flashing asterisk, 49
front panel, 16
contrast, 52
gasket, 51
contrast menu, 24, 25
copyright, ii
grab sample, 48
gray screen, 25
copyright display, 24
cross-channel assignment, 37
HART, 14, 15, 28, 36, 38, 40, 53, 54
HART analog output, 39
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
LXT-220 DO
HART assignment, 38, 39
hysteresis, 15
hysterisis, 13
opening the front panel, 20
operating temperature, 54
operation, 23
impedance, 54
incrementing a value, 16
input, 13, 27
operational password, 32
options, 14
ORP, 14, 22, 42, 53
output, 13, 28
conditioned, 21
dual, 14
analog, 53
input range, 42
assignment, 35
installation, 19
averaged, 15
internal clock, 54
configure, 28
internal layout, 17
internal power supply, 15
isolation, 53
keyboard control, 37
LCD. See display
correspondence, 22
current, 14, 36, 54
current, adjust, 26
dirrerential, 15
floating, 15
linear, 28
linearity, 53
graphic display, 26
isolated, 15
locus, 29
multiple, 15
low level DC signal, 17
main menu, 24, 26
manual mode, 26, 37
manual mode assignment, 37
manual output mode, 22, 36, 44
manuals, additional, v
measurable parameter, 22
membrane, 22, 49
membrane switche. See switch
menu options, 24
PID, 15, 43, 54
ratio, 15
signal factory assignment, 17
output configuration options, 60
oxidation-reduction potential. See ORP
panel mounting, 20
parameter selection menu, 27, 45
password, 31, 54
configuration, 34
operation, 33
MENU SELECT key, 16, 23
menus, 24
percent output display, 37
pH, 14, 53
microprocessor, 13
microprocessor replacement, 51
missing assignment, 36
model designation, 57
mounting bracket, 20
mounting plate
PID, 13, 15, 28, 36, 40, 43
minimum output, 44
PID assignment, 43
plot function, 28
power, 17, 21, 53
pre-pHault diagnostics, 14
primary variable, 38
probe, 13
handrail, 20
universal, 19
multi-bus architecture, 13
multi-drop mode, 39
NEMA 4X, 57
NEMA-4X, 14, 17, 20, 53
no display, 52
process control, 13, 40
process variable display, 26
proportional band, 15
protection level, 32, 34
question mark, 36, 37, 43
rate, 15
noise filter, 29
noise rejection, 54
non-linear reading, 52
numeric adjustments, 16, 23
one point calibration, 22
one-point calibration, 44, 46
relay, 15, 29, 54
configure, 28
relay assignment, 40
relay configuration menu, 40
relay output, 13
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Dissolved Oxygen Controller
relay setpoints, 40
release manual output, 45
repeatability, 53
STATUS, 27, 46
STATUS menu, 29
submenus, 24
reset, 15
Supertwist, 53
resistivity, 13, 14, 53
response time, 53
restore password, 32
reverse acting, 13, 14
routine maintenance, 51
RS232, 53
safety information, iv
saturation point, 47
scale factor, 42
switch, 14, 16
tables listing, x
technician symbol, iv
Teledyne address, 55
temperature calibration, 40
temperature compensation, 54
temperature control, 13
temperature conversion, 14, 41
terminal block, 17
timer, 32, 54
sensitivity, 53
trim, 41
SP1 & SP2, 21
troubleshooting, 52
two point calibration, 22
two-point calibration, 44, 46
typical electrode, 22, 49
U-bolt, 20
undisturbed output, 26
warning sign, iv
warranty, ii
sensor orientation, 52
sensor wiring, 22
serial number, iii, 24
SETUP, 27, 28, 46
shipping damage, 19
slope variation, 47
software, 15
software version, 24
span calibration, 22, 44
span display, 36
weatherproof, 53
web address, 55
website address, v
white screen, 25
span setting, 39
specific compensation, 14
specific ion, 13, 14, 42, 53
specifications, 53
stability, 53
wiring, 21
wiring label, 17, 21
zero electrode offset, 14, 22
zero potential, 27, 29
standardization, 22, 44, 46
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
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